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Re: recentre anchor at top of window

Since nobody else has commented I assume I'm the only user of this
feature :-).  I'd like to wind it back a bit along the lines I said
before, to just recentre on programmatic goto and link following, not
tab, per below.

2009-06-13  Kevin Ryde  <user42@xxxxxxxxxx>

	* w3m.el (w3m-view-recenter): Only nil,t,integer, not a cons.
	(w3m-search-name-anchor, w3m-view-this-url-1): No arg to w3m-recenter.
	(w3m-next-anchor, w3m-previous-anchor, w3m-next-form,
	w3m-previous-form, w3m-next-image, w3m-previous-image): Don't
	recenter, leave recentering just for following a link, not Tab etc
	within the buffer.
	(w3m-recenter): Remove NAME arg, believe don't need to differentiate
	URLs with an anchor or not since with no anchor `point' is at the
	start of the buffer and can't be recentered anyway.
	Use C-u style "(recenter '(4))" for the `t' middle-of-screen case.
	No need for code to avoid redisplay, `recenter' doesn't redisplay in
	the integer or C-u cases.
--- w3m.el	13 Jun 2009 07:22:17 +1000	1.1445
+++ w3m.el	13 Jun 2009 07:25:59 +1000	
@@ -1317,20 +1317,20 @@
   :group 'w3m
   :type '(integer :size 0))
-(defcustom w3m-view-recenter '(t . 1)
-  "Argument passed to `recenter' that runs when visiting a link.
-Valid values include an integer, t and nil, and cons of them.
-T means run `recenter' with no argument.  Nil means don't perform it.
-If it is cons, the car is used for an ordinary link, and the cdr is
-used for a name link, i.e., the case where the url string ends up with
-  :group 'w3m
-  :type (let ((val '((const :format "%t " t) (const :format "%t " nil)
-		     (integer :format "%{%t%}: %v\n" :value 1 :size 1))))
-	  `(radio ,@val
-		  (cons :format "%{Cons%}:\n%v"
-			(radio :format "%v" ,@val)
-			(radio :format "%v" ,@val)))))
+(defcustom w3m-view-recenter 1
+  "Recenter window contents when going to an anchor.
+An integer is passed to `recenter', for instance the default 1
+    means put the anchor on the second line of the screen.
+t means `recenter' with no arguments, which puts it in the middle
+    of the screen.
+nil means don't recenter, let the display follow point in the
+    usual way."
+  :group 'w3m
+  ;; radio items in the same order as in the docstring, and `integer' first
+  ;; because it's the default
+  :type '(radio (integer :format "%{%t%}: %v\n" :value 1 :size 1)
+                (const :format "%t\n" t)
+                (const :format "%t\n" nil)))
 (defcustom w3m-use-form t
   "*Non-nil means make it possible to use form extensions. (EXPERIMENTAL)"
@@ -6366,7 +6366,7 @@
 			   (nthcdr (1+ (car w3m-name-anchor-from-hist))
     (when found
-      (w3m-recenter t))
+      (w3m-recenter))
 (defun w3m-parent-page-available-p ()
@@ -6654,7 +6654,7 @@
 		(goto-char pos)
-	(w3m-recenter (string-match "#.+\\'" url))))))
+	(w3m-recenter)))))
 (defun w3m-view-this-url (&optional arg new-session)
   "Display the page pointed to by the link under point.
@@ -7073,9 +7073,7 @@
 	(setq arg (1- arg))
 	(if (member (w3m-anchor-sequence) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)
 	    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-	  (push (w3m-anchor-sequence) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)))
-      (if (/= st (point))
-	  (w3m-recenter)))
+	  (push (w3m-anchor-sequence) w3m-goto-anchor-hist))))
@@ -7129,9 +7127,7 @@
 	(setq arg (1- arg))
 	(if (member (w3m-anchor-sequence) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)
 	    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-	  (push (w3m-anchor-sequence) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)))
-      (if (/= st (point))
-	  (w3m-recenter)))
+	  (push (w3m-anchor-sequence) w3m-goto-anchor-hist))))
@@ -7168,9 +7164,7 @@
 	(setq arg (1- arg))
 	(if (member (w3m-action (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)
 	    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-	  (push (w3m-action (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)))
-      (if (/= st (point))
-	  (w3m-recenter)))
+	  (push (w3m-action (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist))))
@@ -7209,9 +7203,7 @@
 	(setq arg (1- arg))
 	(if (member (w3m-action (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)
 	    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-	  (push (w3m-action (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)))
-      (if (/= st (point))
-	  (w3m-recenter)))
+	  (push (w3m-action (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist))))
@@ -7250,9 +7242,7 @@
 	(setq arg (1- arg))
 	(if (member (w3m-image (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)
 	    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-	  (push (w3m-image (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)))
-      (if (/= st (point))
-	  (w3m-recenter)))
+	  (push (w3m-image (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist))))
@@ -7291,9 +7281,7 @@
 	(setq arg (1- arg))
 	(if (member (w3m-image (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)
 	    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-	  (push (w3m-image (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)))
-      (if (/= st (point))
-	  (w3m-recenter)))
+	  (push (w3m-image (point)) w3m-goto-anchor-hist))))
@@ -8503,26 +8491,13 @@
     (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) 0)))
-(defun w3m-recenter (&optional name)
-  "Recenter the link according to `w3m-view-recenter'.
-Non-nil value for NAME means use the cdr of `w3m-view-recenter'."
-  (let ((val (if (consp w3m-view-recenter)
-		 (if name
-		     (cdr w3m-view-recenter)
-		   (car w3m-view-recenter))
-	       w3m-view-recenter)))
-    (when (and val (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer)))
-      ;; A version of `recenter' that does not redisplay the frame.
-      (let ((height (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
-			(1- (window-height))
-		      (- (window-height) 1 (if header-line-format 1 0)))))
-	(save-excursion
-	  (when (zerop (forward-line (if (integerp val)
-					 (if (< val 0)
-					     (- 0 height val)
-					   (- val))
-				       (- (/ height 2)))))
-	    (set-window-start nil (point))))))))
+(defun w3m-recenter ()
+  "Recenter according to `w3m-view-recenter'."
+  (when (and w3m-view-recenter
+             (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer)))
+    (recenter (if (eq t w3m-view-recenter)
+                  '(4)  ;; per "C-u C-l" to recenter in middle
+                w3m-view-recenter)))) ;; otherwise an integer
 (defun w3m-beginning-of-line (&optional arg)
   "Make the beginning of the line visible and move the point to there."