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Re: w3m-lnum: yet another selection workflow

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:

> I see.  `Information line' can be put anywhere in a list, isn't it?

Yes, may be useful for ad-hoc section titles.

> So I've committed this one:
> (defvar w3m-lnum-actions-custom-type
>   '(repeat (choice :format "%[Value Menu%] %v"
> 		   (string :tag "Information line")
> 		   (group :tag "Keycode and Action" :indent 2
> 			  (character :format "Key: %v\n")
> 			  (function :format "%t: %v")
> 			  (string :format "Prompt: %v")))))
> (defcustom w3m-lnum-actions-*
> [...]
>   :type w3m-lnum-actions-custom-type
> Please modify it if it is not your taste.

Yes, it's even finer this way.

> Many defcustom examples in the world and wid-edit.el are my textbooks. :)

You're drinking from the source :)

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