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Re: Error when calling 'report-emacs-w3m-bug'

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:

> Unfortunately I'm not familiar with MLPA.  If it is a complete
> copy of emacs-w3m it should inherit the last hash value of the
> git revision into the `emacs-w3m-git-revision' constant.  To get
> the value, do the following or simply `make' in the local copy
> of the original emacs-w3m git repository.
> $ git log --oneline -n 1 .| awk '{print $1}'

I'm not sure Melpa's build machinery is able to do that.  I read the
docs in https://github.com/melpa/melpa - especially about recipes, but
didn't find anything that would help here.  They allow to specify a
:version-regexp, but that only searches for tags.

BTW, the w3m package in Melpa has a name like "w3m-20190912.703", maybe
you can just use the date string instead of the revision hash?

BTW, AFAIR Auctex had similar (and harder) problems with their Gnu Elpa
package, and now, AFAIU Gnu Melpa supports building with Makefiles
(named "Gnumakefile").  Melpa probably doesn't, at least I didn't find
anything about it.
