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Re: A user menu in the wrong position

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.09161] Leo wrote:

>> How do other people think about it?  Should it leave to Emacs, be
>> customizable or be as is?

> Thank you, Katsumi for supporting this.

> I have been using Emacs for about a year starting from Emacs 23 and
> then back to Emacs 22. I then started using emacs-w3m from December
> 2006. And I know our brains are very powerful to adapt to things. Thus
> after a long-term usage, we will be blind to the inconvenience. But
> new users, they are very likely to use mouse and menu and tool
> bars. My suggestion is to make them feel comfortable when they come to
> emacs-w3m at some point.

I've been using mainly the keyboard ever since Emacs 18.55, in
which there was neither the menu bar nor the tool bar. ;-)  But
I see those bars are very useful especially when I'm not yet
skilled in new keystrokes.

> As for myself, I don't mind if we keep the menu as it is.

It is easy to make the position customizable, though that only
enables a user to choose only the forefront and the other.  I
will do it if no one else comments.
