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Re: domain=.google.cn

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.09960] Lazycat Manatee wrote:

>       when i search keyword "emacs" or other keyword in www.google.cn,
> everything is right,
>       but when i search "hacker" in www.google.cn, and then i
> manipulate in emacs-w3m, example use 'j' or space, emacs-w3m can't
> reponse my any manipulate, and emacs is also can't reponse my input or
> any other manipulate, even if i use "esc esc esc".
>       And result is i use "killall emacs" to quit emacs. Oh, my god,
> it's so pain. *_*
>       I really understand it, can you tell me why?

Hmm, no problem here in Tokyo.  Does it happen even with w3m
standalone?  We might need help from other people in China...