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Re: windows-1252

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08007] David Hansen wrote:

> You have this problem even on Slashdot (but rarely).  I think it
> typically occurs if people can post comments or articles on web
> sites.  Seems IE doesn't care about the encoding and some server
> software doesn't fix it.

I noticed laut.de also uses windows-1252 even if it declares
that encoding="ISO-8859-1" in the rss feeds, for example:


There seem to be many similar sites and I have come to want to
use your way gradually.  I'm now working to merge nnrss.el of
the Gnus trunk into the Emacs trunk (i.e., Gnus v5.11 which
supports Emacs 20 too), and I found it sometimes fails because
of windows-1252.  Sigh.

iso-8859-1 と称して実は windows-1252 を使っているサイトが意外に
多いようです。最初は David Hansen さんのやり方 [emacs-w3m:08003]
を使うのは気が進まなかったんですが、windows-1252 という coding
system がすべての Emacs の版で使えない現状では、しようがないです
かねえ。[emacs-w3m:08009] に書いたように、shimbun では効果が無い