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Re: right clicking on URL in emacs-w3m vs. gnus

Štěpán Němec wrote:
> Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:
>>> ,----
>>>| Open this link with
>>>| ===================
>>>| browse-url
>>>| emacs-w3m
>>> `----
>> I haven't implemented it yet because I didn't think it's very useful.

> Interesting. I find it _very_ useful. Does that mean you have defined a
> lot of custom commands for manipulating URLs in Gnus Article buffer? Or
> do you never feel a need to e.g. quickly copy the link location?

It's enough to me to type `M-x bro RET' (`bro' is complemented
into `browse-url'), `M-x w3m RET', or just `RET' on a string that
looks like a url.  Those commands copy the link location and pass
it to the browser.

>> Are there other function items you want?

> I don't see why we couldn't get the complete same right click menu as in
> emacs-w3m. I'd especially like to have "Copy Link Location" (and I hope
> it will also work in article headers -- I often find myself wanting to
> copy the Gmane permalink, for example); jidanni mentioned in a recent
> report the need for "Open in External Browser"; I can also see how "Save
> Link as..." could be useful. In short, why not just provide the whole of
> emacs-w3m right click menu?

Note that what we're talking about is a text/plain article (or
other) that is not rendered by emacs-w3m, like this:


Currently there is only a button that Gnus adds using widget.el
(iff `gnus-treat-buttonize' is the default value).  OTOH, an html
article rendered by emacs-w3m has the right click menu buttons on

Not all users have and load emacs-w3m, so, maybe what we can do
will be to provide the right click menu like emacs-w3m only if
`mm-text-html-renderer' is `w3m', and the menu title should be
"emacs-w3m".  Even in that case, we will have to make Lisp
functions for the menu items one by one.  Because the article is
not rendered by emacs-w3m.
