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Re: Remaining TODOs to finish migration from CVS to Git

On 2019-01-31 10:43, TSUCHIYA Masatoshi wrote:
> Hi,
> Boruch, can you proceed the negotiations with MELPA?  I do not have
> enough time because I am so busy to overcome the end of the fiscal year
> (in Japan, March is the end of the fiscal year).

Jonas never did respond to me, so just now I mad the pull-request for
the change.


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do the same.

> >> On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 14:39:21 -0500
> >> boruch_baum@xxxxxxx (Boruch Baum) said as follows:
> >> Second, I think that we should notify this migration to the projects
> >> which depends on our CVS repository, such as MELPA.  If you have any
> >> information about such projects, please let me know.
> >MELPA had been pulling its version of emacs-w3m from a github repository
> >at https://github.com/emacsorphanage/w3m . That repository does not have
> >an 'issue' handler configured, but I was able to find an email for the
> >repsitory's owner, who seems to be Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@xxxxxxxxxx>.
> >I wrote him an e-mail to tell him about the current events of the
> >project and to invite him to comment and get involved, specifically
> >mentioning the MELPA integration. I gave him your email address in
> >addition to the mailing list address. Since he presumably is quite
> >experience with MELPA recipes (that's what they call it), he could
> >simply change the pointer to the new official repo. If you want, you as
> >project leader could submit a pull request to MELPA directly. I've done
> >it twice, and its a minor thing. The MELPA repository that needs to be
> >cloned is at https://github.com/melpa/melpa , and the file that needs to
> >be changed is at https://github.com/melpa/melpa/blob/master/recipes/w3m
> >. It seems that all that needs to be done is
> >s?emacsorphanage/w3m?emacs-w3m/emacs-w3m? .

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