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Re: Quicksearch support in Emacs-w3m

Finally, I've added the following things to the CVS trunk.

* w3m-search-prefer-japanese-site
  User option.  Defualt to t under Japanese environments.
  If a user specifies a quicksearch url like "gg:emacs",
  emacs-w3m uses google-ja rather than google for the search

* w3m-search-inhibited-japanese-engines
  User option (a list of strings).  Defualt to nil.
  If it contains the string "yahoo", emacs-w3m won't use
  yahoo-ja instead of yahoo for the url "ya:string" even if
  w3m-search-prefer-japanese-site is t,

* w3m-search-quick-search-handler
  Make it refer to not only w3m-search-quick-search-engine-alist
  but also w3m-search-engine-alist for quick search engines.
  Mito-san suggested this.

* w3m-search-engine-alist
  Add some dictionary sites.  A hearsay by Shirai-san.

* w3m-search-quick-search-engine-alist
  Add iij-archie as "archie".

* w3m
  Make it allow a quicksearch url if it is called interactivelly.

In Japanese:

結局、CVS の幹に以下の追加を行ないました。

* w3m-search-prefer-japanese-site
  ユーザーオプション。日本語環境ではデフォルトが t。
  Quicksearch url に例えば "gg:emacs" を指定すると、google では
  なくて google-ja を使って検索します。

* w3m-search-inhibited-japanese-engines
  ユーザーオプション (文字列のリスト)。デフォルトは nil。
  これが "yahoo" を含んでいると、w3m-search-prefer-japanese-site
  が t であっても yahoo の代わりに yahoo-ja を "ya:string" の検

* w3m-search-quick-search-handler
  サーチエンジンに w3m-search-quick-search-engine-alist だけでな
  く w3m-search-engine-alist も参照するようにしました。水戸さん

* w3m-search-engine-alist

* w3m-search-quick-search-engine-alist
  "archie" として iij-archie を追加。

* w3m
  対話的に呼ばれたら quicksearch url を受け付けるようにしました。
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>