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Re: Shimbun Basics

* 2003-06-13 Pierre Gaston:

> emacs-w3m-version
>  => "1.3.4rc4"
> emacs-version
>  => "GNU Emacs 21.3.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)\n of 2003-03-27"

> mule-version
>  => "5.0 (SAKAKI)"
> system-type
>  => gnu/linux

> w3m-version
>  => "w3m/0.3.2+mee-p25-cvs-282+moe-1.5.4"
> w3m-type
>  => w3mmee
> The & in the form action to save the page doesn't seems to be a problem.
> I can save a page without a problem.

yes, you can save a page, but did yozu also try to save any other than
the frontpage?  i'm not sue about your emacs-w3m version, if it
already contains the workaround for this problem, but you knpow only
once trying to edit and save other pages.  this particilar bug makes
every save go to the "unnamed" or default page:  the first one.

> you can also try this patch if you have problems with w3m:
> cd /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3m/
> diff  /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3m/w3m-form.el /tmp/emacs-w3m-1.3.4rc4/w3m-form.el
> 398c398
> < 		     (w3m-decode-anchor-string (or action (and w3m-current-url
> ---
>> 		     (or action (and w3m-current-url
> 403c403
> < 						    (match-beginning 8))))))
> ---
>> 						    (match-beginning 8)))))

ok, i'll try it later.  thanks for the tip.  does it keep the rest of
emacs-w3m working?  is it committed to CVS?
