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Re: w3m-form allows editing when it shouldn't

In [emacs-w3m : No.12227] Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
> 1. Log in
> 2. My Account
> 3. User Administration
> 4. select a user
> 5. attribute 'Role' is a drop-down list ...

> which unfortunately only works with admin right :(

That is just what I used for an example to debug the code. :)

> So at the moment I cannot refer you to an accessible example for the
> symptom described above. Its not crucial anyway, so maybe delay the
> whole thing until I can give you a link to an app where you can test it?

No problem.  By the following way I got an example in which
the drop-down menu is enabled.  Now I can see the form appearance
changing and I'm going to improve it...

M-x customize-option RET w3m-filter-configuration RET
Turn off the checkbox for w3m-filter-subst-disabled-with-readonly
  and push the Apply button
Visit that page in PicoLisp, and push the Edit button
Push the `\' key to show the html contents
Save it to the ~/picolisp.html file
Edit it to remove disabled="disabled" attrs in the Role menu
Turn on the checkbox for w3m-filter-subst-disabled-with-readonly
  and push the Apply button
Open file:///home/yamaoka/picolisp.html using emacs-w3m